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Arts Education

Life is transitory,but the ART lives for ever. An artist by dint  of that lives through the models of his art forever. The aim of art education is to persue the students to learn & response the beauty in line, colour, form, movement, harmony, rhythm, perspective, etc.From the age of ten to thirteen as student requires the knowledge of the elements of painting. He should be provided the theoretical knowledge of line and its effects, colours and their effects, perspective, rhythm, balance, from and space, texture, proportion and harmony. But keeping in mind the theory of elements of painting he can prepare balanced compositing of a painting. If he has knowledge of the elements of art, he can find out his own mistakes, by practicing the elements of painting step by step. He can create artistic paintings, He can also create his own style. here in the theories have given in a practical shape.

Careers In Fine Art

  1. Art Teacher
  2. Lecturer
  3. Professor
  4. Interior Decorator
  5. Curator in Museum
  6. Freelance Artist
  7. Architecture
  8. Sculptor
  9. Film- Stage & Set Designer
  10. 3D- Animation
  11. NIFT
  12. NID- Industrial Design, Communication Design, Textile Design
  13.  Drawing Engineer
  14. Cartoonist
  15. Commercial Artist 

     Elements Of ART

    Art has no boundaries of expression. In order to be able to appreciate or to create a work of art, one must get oneself acquainted with principles of art and his basic elements, which make a painting appealing and correct.

    A picture is created with the help of line, light and shade, colour, rhythm, perspective balance, proportion and picture composition, etc. the main elements of art are enumerated below: 


    Lines :- Line may be defined as that which has got length but no breath. Several points joined together.

    Line also expresses feelings

    Vertical Line                  Stability
    Horizontal Line            Relaxation, peace
    Curved Line                   Speed
    Wavy Line                      Rhythm
    Criss Cross line             Confusion
    Spiral Line                     Development

    Texture :- Texture is the character of surface. The difference between various textures can be felt only by touching surface with the fingers. If we touch a silken cloth, we feel smoothness, if we touch of a sponge, we feel its roughness. The texture in a picture is to be felt only through the visual sensation.

    Rhythm :- Movement of a line or shape in regular succession of intervals creates rhythm. Rhythm in music please the ear. After grasping all these facts one can draw things from memory and imagination.

    Perspective :- Perspective is used in drawing and painting to help and create a sense of death and space. Perspective is the art representing said objects on a flat surface as they are seen to be by the eye in other words, it is the way to make perceived objects look right.
    Balance :- Balance is another important aspect of art. Our eye should be able to move with ease all over the object. Balance can be achieved by the help of lines, shape, light and shade, colour and texture.

    Proportion :- Proportion in drawing means measurement of the various sizes, shapes positions of the parts of the subject by the eye.

    Harmony :- To create harmony all the elements of painting like colour, tone form and texture should produce an impression of unity in a painting.

    An attractive painting can be made only when the various elements of painting are balanced. 

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